2 Reasons Your Doctor May Send You To Physical Therapy For A Work Related Injury

If you are injured at work, your doctor can send you to get physical therapy. Physical therapy is just one tool your doctor can use to help you. Several reasons exist as to why your doctor might choose to send you to physical therapy. 

Pain Relief

One big reason to go to physical therapy is that it can help with pain. It helps with pain because the physical therapist will work with you to learn exercises that can strengthen the injured area. Not only will those exercises help strengthen that area, but they will also make sure to support it. The more support an injury receives, the better it will heal and the less it will hurt.

Doing the exercises may be a little uncomfortable, but they should never outright hurt. If you are in physical therapy and the exercises hurt, call your therapist immediately to see what can be done to stop that. 

Speed Up Healing

Getting physical therapy can help speed up your healing time as well. That is because it will help keep the injured area active, encouraging blood flow to the site. That blood flow will carry extra nutrients and oxygen to your injury. Those things will help you heal faster and feel better. You will also recover more quickly because your therapist will have given you tools to keep the area from freezing up while it is healing.

People tend not to want to move an injured body part because it hurts to do it, so they don't. The injured area doesn't get used as much, which lets the muscles around it atrophy. While it may feel better in the moment to not move the injury, it will take longer to heal because you have to heal up the damage done by not using the injured area of your body. Your physical therapist will make sure whatever stretches and exercises you do will keep the injury mobile without overstressing it. Overstressing the injury will also make it heal slower.

Getting injured at work can be very stressful. You will have to see doctors to determine the injury and how to heal it. You may have to see doctors that your workplace dictates you see. One of those doctors could suggest that you go to physical therapy. Going to physical therapy can be a very good thing and can help you in many ways. If a doctor recommends that you should go to physical therapy, you should definitely take them up on that suggestion.

For more information on workers compensation injury physical therapy, contact your doctor.
